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When I discovered during a wedding celebration in Berlin how many of the younger members of my family, who lived in different cities and regions of Germany, stayed connected by using the social platform Facebook, I joined Facebook 2010. At home in Barrydale, a remote South African small town, the national provider meanwhile started to connect even rural areas via DSL to the Internet. My friend Anthony Chidrawi opened an Internetcafé on Route 62, the national road connecting Cape Town with the Eastern Cape. Few month later Alexander Dowding and other young locals founded the first Facebook social group named Barrydale. In following years old friends, living often in far away continents, located me in South Africa and some renewed their friendship by sharing their statements with me. Some years later my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I noticed an advert of MySocialBook, offering printed versions of my Facebook content. After a closer look I calmed down. I was disappointed. When I was very busy in producing videos for my YouTube channel, and taking fotos of the artwork of my wife of myself, I came back to the offer of MSB and granted permission to access my own statements and content on Facebook to produce printouts and/or PDF’s of my personal Facebook contributions. Have a look!
MySocialBook 2010-2015 removed
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