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Have a look at the fact finding results I managed to retrieve via internet from far away Barrydale, Western Cape, South Africa and upload the result to YouTube via


I produced this video March 2014 in South Africa, when Russia occupied the Crimean peninsula. I did not understand the song when I heard it first time autumn 1992 in Moscow without understanding Russian language. I was impressed of the power of Talkovs voice and only able to understand few words like война ‚vojna‘ or war and видеть во сне ‚dreaming the future‘. After the news came in on e-tv, I tried to escape the upcoming nightmare by making this video in an African country plagued since centuries by white supremacy and after thousands of victims liberated itself in 1994.

Igor Vladimirovich Talkov (Russian: И́горь Влади́мирович Талько́в; 4 November 1956 – 6 October 1991), was a Soviet Russian rock singer-songwriter and film actor. Talkov was never popular with the Soviet government; even as a performer renowned and loved throughout the whole Soviet Union, he lived in a small two-room apartment with his wife and son, composing his lyrics and music „on top of the washing machine in the bathroom“, according to the rumours. He was not satisfied with Perestroika, claiming it to be nothing but the same regime under a different guise. In his post-Perestroika songs, he openly mocked the changes, calling them a ruse. Talkov was an avid reader of pre-revolutionary Russian history, which served as the inspiration for many of his songs. He even guaranteed at his last concert that he was willing to „back up“ his lyrics with historical facts.


Putin’s Russia has pursued are not different from historical Russian, Soviet, and Imperial Russian foreign policy goals.

Ich arbeite zur Zeit an einer Reportage meiner Erinnerungen an Kindheit und Jugend von 1947 bis 1963 am Hohenpeißenberg im oberbayerischen Alpenvorland. Nach 260 Seiten bin ich nun im Jahr 1960 angelangt.
Damals kam ich im Sommer 1960 zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben nach München.


Dr. Angela Merkel wurde heute mit einem Großen Zapfenstreich verabschiedet.
Ihre Vorgänger hießen:
Gerhard Schröder 1998-2005
Dr. Helmuth Kohl 1983-1998

Post Covid comedy at it’s best: Stephen Colbert & Trevor Noah about the differences between being on stage and exposed to the reactions of an auditory before the Lockdown in New York March 17, 2020, and producing the Late Night Show respectively Daily Show at their „home office-studio“ like any Youtuber till September 2021. Meanwhile Trevor Noah decided against a revival of his preCovid format. Stephan Colbert will stay on stage in New York, while Noah came to his own conclusions about the future of live stand-up shows with a live auditory. Stephen Colbert is a Catholic. Imagine the Pope without a balcony.

seitdem versucht Ödipus Donald Trump den Verlust zu kompensieren, obwohl er inzwischen blind ist.

The Dreadnought class is the future replacement for the Vanguard class of ballistic missile submarines. Like their predecessors they will carry Trident II D-5 missiles. Four nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine are planned, two building. First expected 2030. Displacement 17.000 tons, length 163 m. Boarding 8 to12 SBLM’s = submarine-launched ballistic missiles with an operational range of 12.000 km. Mass: 60 tons. Each missile is capable to carry up to 14 warheads called multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles. But In practice, each missile on average carries four warheads due to the warhead limitations placed by the New START treaty.

„Wer Europa außenpolitisch verstärkt in die Pflicht nehmen will, sollte sich von der Idee verabschieden, dass Rüstung ein Gradmesser von Glaubwürdigkeit oder das Militär ein geeignetes Mittel im Umgang mit politischen Umbrüchen ist.“