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Since 12 days I’m 73 years old and not physically affected by the crisis caused by Covid-19. Nevertheless it’s cultural, social and economic impact on global society and the geopoltical repercussions in the digital age start eating up my soul. Edward Snowdon portrays the digital prisons our smart phones may become in the years coming, while we still try to contain the virus. If you’re not used to worst case scenarios please press the escape key before you get traumatised.

Twenty million people lost their jobs with no sickleave payments in a nation ruled by a genius? How can it be? An Englishman tells you why it is as it is in the USA.

Hundred years ago our future looked funny. But today we are on our way to settle planet Mars. A dream which goes back to H.G. Wells who on the climax of the British empire fantasised settling the moon. He even forsaw the invasion of our planet by the Martians which is still in the making.

The Marikana massacre, which took place on 16 August 2012, was the most lethal use of force by South African security forces against civilians since 1976. The former union leader – Cyril Ramaphosa, from his position on the board of Lonmin, could have argued for negotiation, even for a better deal for the workers. Instead – as a chain of emails released to the Farlam inquiry disclosed – he argued for the police to move in. In a message to fellow directors, he wrote: „The terrible events that have unfolded cannot be described as a labour dispute. They are plainly dastardly criminal and must be characterised as such… There needs to be concomitant action to address this situation.“

dpatopbilder – 25.03.2020, Österreich, Wien: Nackte Schaufensterpuppen mit Schutzmasken wurden in einem Schaufenster auf Stühle gesetzt. In ganz Österreich gelten bis zum 13. April 2020 aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie weitreichende Ausgangsbeschränkungen. Foto: Privat/APA/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++ |

Er ist sprachgewaltig wie ein deutscher Klassiker und ein brillanter Jurist. Lesen sie über die Tücken, das Recht in Zeiten von Corona 19 in Verwaltung umzusetzen Thomas Fischer