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Corruption in South Africa became systemic under President Zuma. Now Covid-19 opens new opportunities for people involved in the distribution of public help packages for the 30% of population living in permanent poverty.
I watched several videos of this investigative Russian journalist who was poisened ten days ago during a trip through Siberia in the far east of Russia and was flawn out to be treated at the Charité in Berlin.
The videos are of course all in Russian language, but most of them have English and some even German subtitles. It is astonishing how substantiated he can criticize the cleptocratic ruling class and the systemic corruption connecting political administrators and oligarchs while still present on YouTube. Millions of viewers watched the videos he uploaded since 2005. I’m deeply shocked of the magnitude of corruption and fascinated by his intrepidity to attack even the most powerful people of Russian political and economic elite.
This one is the last video he uploaded
Eight month ago the Russian investigative journalist and politican Alexey Navalny published a video disclosed a romantic affair between Andrey Kostin, a Russian banker, currently President and Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Bank, Member of the Supervisory Council, Member of the Strategy and Corporate Governance Committee, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of several VTB subsidiaries, PhD in Economics, and Nailya Asker-zade, a Russian television presenter and journalist. Watch his video on YouTube with English subtitles. Why the Russians still use poisoning instead of fatal car accidents?
It’s five years now since I left my home for fifteen years: Barrydale, Keerom Street 9, Western Cape, South Africa.
DM is the Mike Pence of the Russian Federation. Would he like a report like this? No, he is not Medvedev and if, Bill Barr would take over his protection.
and no end in sight especially for black people or native Americans or other disadvantaged people without public health insurance.
Dat is nu man so in Bärlin: 3.500.000 Einwohner ohne Potsdam oder Dallgow-Döberitz. 17.000 Einwohner von wo auch immer demonstrieren – Ostfriesland mit etwa 500.000 Einwohnern könnte easy auch proportional 2.500 Einwohner auf die Straße bringen, die es satt haben bei Aldi, Edeka, Netto, Lidl oder an der Fähre nach Norderney mit Maske anzustehen müssen, um ihre tägliche Notdurft zu verrichten. Ne, die bleiben cool und deswegen liebe ich Ostfriesland! Zweimal „Moin!“ ist einmal zuviel. In Bayern sagen die Einwohner gerne: „Grüß Gott!“ und erwarten eine passende Antwort. Der Berliner begnügt sich mit einem „Tachchen!“ Wenn er jut jelaunt is stellt er noch die rhetorische Frage: „Allet Jut?“ Wenn dem so nicht is, jeht er uff die Straße und bekundet seinen Unmut. So isses in Bärlin.