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DM is the Mike Pence of the Russian Federation. Would he like a report like this? No, he is not Medvedev and if, Bill Barr would take over his protection.

and no end in sight especially for black people or native Americans or other disadvantaged people without public health insurance.

Dat is nu man so in Bärlin: 3.500.000 Einwohner ohne Potsdam oder Dallgow-Döberitz. 17.000 Einwohner von wo auch immer demonstrieren – Ostfriesland mit etwa 500.000 Einwohnern könnte easy auch proportional 2.500 Einwohner auf die Straße bringen, die es satt haben bei Aldi, Edeka, Netto, Lidl oder an der Fähre nach Norderney mit Maske anzustehen müssen, um ihre tägliche Notdurft zu verrichten. Ne, die bleiben cool und deswegen liebe ich Ostfriesland! Zweimal „Moin!“ ist einmal zuviel. In Bayern sagen die Einwohner gerne: „Grüß Gott!“ und erwarten eine passende Antwort. Der Berliner begnügt sich mit einem „Tachchen!“ Wenn er jut jelaunt is stellt er noch die rhetorische Frage: „Allet Jut?“ Wenn dem so nicht is, jeht er uff die Straße und bekundet seinen Unmut. So isses in Bärlin.

What happens if the trillions spent to keep the system running just blow up the bubble?

Heidi Fourie

Our farms in Barrydale has also been under attack/victimised by criminals. It is not safe anywhere in South Africa anymore. That is the reality. Please be extra aware, lock up in the day time too, and have a plan of action ready to act swiftly and as safely as possible. Have the police number on speed dial.

Since Easter weekend in mid April, we had 6 (six) incidents on this farm where we rent, that justified and required calling the police out. Other insidents did not require a call out. Everyone living on the farm is very grateful for all the assistance and support of our Barrydale police force, and the different forensics teams on every occasion, and thereafter. Thank you! Gratitude.

Since Easter, we had 90 days of repetitive traumatic events on this farm itself. Not to forget this started in level 5 Covid regulations period, thus during curfew, and a 6 month jail offence as from level 5 in March announced. Additional stress and trauma was created with the increase in risk of falling ill or getting invected with the dreaded Covid 19 virus, every insident ,due to criminals entering ones home and place of safety, and a healthy haven. As we know, the police station got closed and disinfected, that only 4 days after 10 officers and sergeants were here in our home. It caused a lot of unnecessary and additional stress in this Covid roller-coaster stressful times we all are living in for everyone here, but especially our police people being so busy with these habitual offenders in town.
Our last insistent was 4:30pm in daytime, we managed to catch one in the act of trying to get in, but they both did manage to get away. Yet clear proof was left behind that clarified immediate identification by authorities, and arrests followed a week later.
Apparently this person is under suspicion at this stage, to have been the cause of many insidents in the tiny village of Barrydale.

We must remember, and so should our President take in consideration …
Adding to crimes that are classified as low risk, like trespassing, housebreaking, theft, burglary, are the crimes of Threat, Duress, Intimidation, Victimisation and Harrasment, Violation, and we all have a Constitutional Right to safety.
Being Traumatised in your own home, being robbed of what one has worked for ethically and honestly, especially under this lock down regulations and a high costly „self – imprisonment“ with being allowed to work or not, by the same president, is definitely not fair, nor just to the people of South Africa, or any country.
Apparently, this case at us, too is a case of someone that got given remission on 16th December 2019 by our President, nearly 14500 people got released because of Youth day celebrations. The president instructed the Correctional services and Parole board to adhere to certain criteria accordingly, including for both remission and parole candidates. The 19000 prisoners given Parole due to Covid 19 in 8 May, has different legalities attached to the remission given in December.
That is +-33 500 criminals released in less than
6 months, and so 33 500 people ‚forced‘ to go freely back into communities, without jobs, without income, food, or some even without homes, no back up plan provided by government.Free, forgiven by government of their past criminal offences to free space up in prisons and celebrate youth day. Free to choose to do the same in communities that are at the same time calling out for safety and justice, calling out for protection for women and children. Additionally the offenders are causing more time, effort, work hours, stress for police, and magistrates, increasing state expenses to catch and prosecute the same people again, and again, and again. The police and justice system too surely must be frustrated after all their hard work to see the same criminals roam the streets freely, with an easy announcement of a „pardon“.

I am heartbroken to hear about this young girl who’s life and future got taken and stolen from her, apparently she got raped and murdered this weekend, by someone also just forgiven his sentence for his previous crime or crimes.
I send my love to everyone that cared and love her.
May the president and government change the laws to protect the people of South Africa better and provide us with security and safety from all criminals.
Please be aware, day and night.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
God bless you all.

A heartbreaking story from South Africa.
Louis Wilsenach remembered by his daughter Mia Ziervogel

„There is a God about whom you know nothing, because men have forgotten him. We call him by his name: Abraxas. He is less definite than God or Devil…. Abraxas is activity: nothing can resist him but the unreal“…C.G. Jung: Seven Sermons to the Dead. – Published 1916

An old guardian of international reporting remembers the years of liberation in South Africa and the aftermaths. „When I migrated to South Africa in 1993, it looked as though a new era was at hand. In Berlin, the Wall had fallen and the Cold War was history. The white racist regime of apartheid was forced to capitulate and the call for freedom could be heard across the continent. Soon, though, it became clear that democracy, fought for by broad popular movements, was merely a façade behind which old power structures continued to flourish.“

Capitalism is a market based economic system free of political values. The system Hitler used was a capitalist system and not a socialist system comparable to the way the Communist Party of China uses this system since Deng Xiaoping declared that he doesn’t care about the colour of a cat as long she is good in catching mouses. American Capitalism is not different. If racism is prohibiting the accumulation of profit the system reacts when it’s ultimate value is in danger. In the late sixties we watched a time when the theory of convergence between the two systems of Socialism and Capitalism had some credibility. But listen the news of nowadays when everybody is concernded how the economy after the severe crisis we awaiting in the years coming could go forwards: A state directing a plannend economy based on market principles relying on the calculations by algorithm preserved by socio-economic research based on mass data provided by personal digital devices and networks could bridge the gap. We are not used to a new paradigma like this. The only experiment we can watch at time is conducted in China and we are scared by their experience without knowing how we manage the change which started more than twenty years ago.

„The Structure of Scientific Revolutions“ is a book about the history of science by the philosopher Thomas S. Kuhn published 1962. It’s publication was a landmark event in the history, philosophy, and sociology of scientific knowledge. It’s about the slow process of change of paradigms which mark the evolution of science and an environment where scientists had to defend the results of their research against the old economic and ideological powers of their time. The empowerment of the new paradigm compares to the sluggishness of the „Überbau“ in Karl Marx thinking, when the productive forces mulitiplied and the societies at their time couldn’t stomach the depreviation of their identity still based on religion and patriotic values. He believed a new class of the capitalist economy, the workers and dispossessed small farmers would accumulate enough power to overthrow the old class system. But, he always insisted that this would only possible if the creativity of the Bourgeousie to rise the productivity of the capalist society comes to an end and the economy went into decline, accompanied by a sharp increase of unemployment as well decreasing tax income for the state and his ability to preserve his basic functions to guarantee the welfare of his citizens.

Now, let’s come to nowadays when a virus, only visible for scientists, is threatening the global capitalist organised economy with a greater impact than the invisible consequences of a nuclear showdown from the sixties till today. There seems to be a gap between the progress in science especially since the genom project started in 1990 and was finished in April 2003. It’s just the year when the World Health Organization declared SARS contained on 5 July 2003. Remember the conditions which existed under the nuclear paradigm before declaring the desaster of Chernobyl from 1986 as a singular incident which is meanwhile contained. Since Fukushima we know, that this was not a singular incident. Nevertheless after a short hickup we went on with business as usual.
2019 when SARS came alive again as a mutation and much more aggressiv than it’s precedessor, the global scientific community did not expect it was dangerous enough to disrupt the new globalized world without consequences for most nations economic, social and political systems over the years coming. But coming years will be clouded by economic desaster overshadowed by environmental change which will affect every nation severaly in a time of economic decline, indecisiveness how to manage the change and a resurgence of nationalism and racism while science is still unable to control the ghosts she released without knowing how to control them.
In early 1970 Congress established the Office of Technology Assessment with the Technology Assessment Act of 1972. During its twenty-four-year life it produced about 750 studies on a wide range of topics, including acid rain, health care, global climate change, and polygraphs. OTA was abolished (technically „de-funded“) in the „Contract with America“ period of Newt Gingrich’s Republican ascendancy in Congress late 1995. According to Science magazine, „some Republican lawmakers came to view the OTA as duplicative, wasteful, and biased against their party.“ While the OTA was closed down, the idea of technology assessment survived, in particular in Europe. The European Parliamentary Technology Assessment (EPTA) network coordinates members of technology assessment units working for various European governments. EPTA never reached the importance of her US precedessor which just vanished.

The one was killed 1964 and his more patient brother followed 1968. His analysis of the situation of the black community living in the United States does not differ, but MLK conclusions were quite different.